Career Scoop

It’s 2024: Be Resolute!

With the start of the new year, we all propose resolutions about making ourselves better than we were the year before, whether that be with the goal of weight loss or spending less money, but what about resolutions that students can focus on to gain more skills and experience in the upcoming semester?

For starters, after a long Winter break, make sure your resume is up-to-date with any extracurriculars, work or volunteer service that you may have participated in during the past semester. And be sure to update your GPA now that fall grades have been shared! Because a resume highlights your accomplishments and experience, keeping it up-to-date can help when it comes to finding an internship or a new job. If you need help touching up your resume, or if you have yet to get one started, feel free to stop by the MU Career Center from 9am to 4pm, Monday through Friday for assistance once classes start. Or check out these online samples to get started! 

In addition, students should also consider creating a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a unique professional networking site with cool features where you can join industry groups, share content, and promote your skills and projects. By being a member of the LinkedIn community, you can connect with MU alumni who can help you make more professional contacts, offer career advice and connect you with hiring employers.

Finally, the best way to gain more skills and experience is to get involved on campus. You can join clubs, participate in volunteer work, or even attend campus events. These opportunities can open the doors for you to connect with people in real life, and they can help you build new skills and refine your career goals. Check out MU Engage to find different events that you might be interested in attending and make sure to participate in this year’s Involvement Week, January 22-26, 2024.

When it comes to developing your 2024 New Year’s resolutions, we ask that you think about what you can do to help yourself grow as an aspiring professional and connect with the career Center so we can help you develop and pursue those career goals!