The MU Career Center is dedicated to providing an inviting environment where students are empowered to pursue lifelong career development. We celebrate students of all identities as we strive to help individuals feel confident in their career decision making journey.
As a staff, we promote open and honest dialogues about how to make ourselves, our services, and our staff more inclusive. We work to understand our own intersectional identities and to display cultural competence as we provide services. We support all Mizzou students and welcome you to engage with us as we continue to grow together as a campus and community.
Career resources
Mizzou Career Tools: There are more than 100 resources on our Career Tools site that support the career development of diverse student groups, including: student veterans, students with disabilities, students of color, LGBTQ students, women, and international students.
NACE Career Readiness Competencies: The National Association of College and Employers (NACE), comprised of employers and career services professionals, developed a definition of career readiness and identified core competencies all new college graduates should possess. One of the eight competencies is Equity & Inclusion which states that individuals “demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills required to equitably engage and include people from different local and global cultures.”
NACE Employer Diversity & Inclusion Resources: The National Association of College and Employers (NACE) has numerous resources, assessments, benchmarks and sample materials aimed at recruiters to them address diversity and inclusion in talent acquisition and employee relations.
Campus resources
Mizzou sponsors six social justice centers that educate, support and advocate for an inclusive and culturally adept campus environment, specifically providing a support system and resources for the concerns and needs of students from marginalized and/or underrepresented identity groups. The following organizations complement academic programs of study and enrich the quality of campus life: