Career Scoop

Exploring Careers & Majors


March 2, 2023

How to Make a Career Choice When You Are Undecided

With thousands of options, how will you choose a career that’s right for you? If you don’t have any idea what you want to do, the task may seem insurmountable. Fortunately, it isn’t. Follow an organized process and you will increase your chances of making a good decision. Assess Yourself Before you can choose the right career, you must learn about yourself. Your values, interests, soft skills, and aptitudes, in combination with your personality type, make some occupations a good fit for you and others completely inappropriate. Use self-assessment tools, and career tests to…


Nov. 16, 2022

The Ultimate Guide to an Informational Interview

Informational interviewing is an amazing way to get an inside perspective on specific job positions and the workplace! Not only does it connect you with professionals, but it also helps you practice networking skills. To get started, read below and learn about the before, during and after steps of an informational interview. (Blog reposted from LiveCareer) While you may think that the best way to conduct your job search is to respond to a job ad by submitting your resume and a cover letter, the reality is that many of the best work opportunities are never advertised. In fact, some experts estimate…


Oct. 26, 2022

5 Tips for Exploring Career Interests in College

Whether you are just about to enter college, in your final year, or about to start your master’s degree, you know well enough that exploring your career interests and options is no easy feat. It takes years of figuring out what interests you the most. And even then, there’s no telling if something else may come your way and change your path again. According to Frank, “at least 80% of college students change their major throughout their college education.” Take my story, for example. Entering my liberal arts college as a freshman, I signed up for Marketing Communications when in all actuality,…


Aug. 17, 2022

Don’t “Do What You Love,” Do What Lets You Have the Life You Want

When it comes to career advice, we’ve all heard, “Do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” Or picked up Marsha Sinetar’s book proclaiming, “Do what you love, the money will follow.” Or thought of Lana Del Ray explaining that “doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness.” Well, I’m not so sure. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this advice. In fact, they’re great sound bites that have convinced many people—myself included—to follow their passions, pursue their dreams, and shoot for the stars. After all, who doesn’t…


July 5, 2022

Why Work in Government?

Every July 4th we celebrate our founding of our nation and it seems like a good time to discuss career opportunities in government. Career opportunities in government range from cybersecurity to environmental safety to public health. Public servants are passionate about making a difference in the world and keen to help our government tackle complex national and global challenges. The chance to make a difference Federal employees change lives here and around the world, working to end homelessness, find cures for disease, keep our food supply safe and more. Great benefits and competitive pay Average salaries are competitive with the…