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How to embrace falling may seem counterintuitive (I know it does to me). I don’t want to make mistakes, and I don’t want to fail ever or embrace it. In fact, I want to perfect my life and never embrace it until it is. But in my short 20 years on this Earth, I have come to realize that nobody is perfect, least of all me, and there is no sense torturing myself over this fact. I have found that embracing mistakes is one of the keys to being both a successful and happy person. Here are some easy ways that I have personally embraced falling, and you might want to try them too.
- Forgive others for making mistakes and accept that everyone makes them. It can be really hard not to fall into a negative spiral when you make a mistake, but a way that I have gotten out of that is by practicing forgiveness for others. I found that it inspires me to be more forgiving of myself. Even if you think, “How could someone make this mistake?” it’s best to practice forgiveness because someday you will want someone to show you the same kindness.
- Take time for yourself after a failure. Have you ever failed an important test,cnot gotten your dream job, or messed up an important project? At the time, these mistakes can feel like the end of life as you know it. It’s important to give yourself space to process and recover before picking yourself up and trying again. Some ways to do this is to spend time with friends and family, and seek solace in things you enjoy.
- Think about what led to this mistake and how to avoid it in the future. Consider the decisions that led to the mistake and the situations that put you in that spot. Reflect on this and think about how you can change your actions and words to avoid making the same mistake again.
- Don’t shy away after a mistake. I have a tendency to shut down when I make a mistake and try to avoid the place and people involved. I found that this is truly the worst thing to do after making a mistake. The best advice I can give is to embrace your mistakes and see them as part of your journey rather than the end of it.
- Laugh it off. Sometimes you need to learn from your mistakes, but other times there’s nothing to be learned. Have you ever fallen in front of a bunch of people, said the complete wrong answer in class, or worn your shirt inside out and not realized until halfway through the day? I’ve done all of these things, and the best way I’ve found to not hold on to these mistakes and internalize them is to laugh it off with friends. I’ve discovered that when I do this, my friends often share similar embarrassing experiences, and I feel a lot less embarrassed and alone.
Everybody makes mistakes; how you react and what you do afterward is what defines you. Remember, mistakes are opportunities for growth, and embracing them can lead to personal and professional success. To find more advice about accepting failure click this link.
By Sydney Waldron