Career Scoop

How to Prepare for a Stress-Free Break

There is nothing worse than coming back from fall break with a messy room, full inbox, and finals creeping around the corner. That is why it is important to set aside time to prepare yourself for fall break. These tips take about 30 minutes each and can help you come back feeling refreshed and ready to finish the semester off strong!

Clear Out Your Inbox!

Clearing out your email is a great way to start the cleaning process. Start by deleting spam messages. Before you delete them, make sure you unsubscribe to prevent future spam build up. Then, search for emails that you will need after break and flag them so you can easily access them later. Finally, sort the remaining emails into folders, so that your inbox is more empty and tidy.  Alternatively, if you are unsure if you want to delete an email, you can archive it, so it is saved, but out of view.

Clean Your Workspace

Whether you are staying or leaving for break, it is important to have a clean workspace environment for after break. A cluttered work environment can make it harder to concentrate and stay on task while studying for finals. An excellent method to start cleaning is by clearing off your desk, tidying up the floor, and making your bed! If you are leaving for break, don’t forget to take out the trash, clean out the refrigerator, and water your plants or you might come home to a nasty surprise!

Create a Plan for Finals

After fall break, you only have a little over 2 weeks to prepare for finals. To avoid procrastination, create a game plan before you go on break. Create a list of all of your finals from hardest to easiest and create a schedule that works with your life! You can use a physical planner or free online planner, like Notion, Google Calendar, Todoist, or Evernote. Either way, creating a plan before break can help you feel prepared and ready to ace your finals!

Update Handshake and LinkedIn

It is a good time of year to refresh your Handshake and Linkedin profiles. Updating your profiles every once and a while is a great way to show employers that you are building work experience. It is also a good time to showcase your current projects you are working on at Handshake! If it is your first time posting on Handshake, you can check out “Projects to Prospects” for more insight on how to make an engaging post!

Rewind and Relax

After you prepare for fall break, it is time to relax! Meet up with friends and family or go out and try a new hobby! No matter what you do, it is important to give yourself time to recuperate and rest right before finals. If you find yourself needing more emotional help or guidance, Mizzou has a Wellness Center that can help you find resources. You can also call 573-882-6601 to schedule a brief screening.