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Meet Nez, one of our talented Career Specialists who was recently promoted to be a supervisor here at the MU Career Center (MUCC). When not at work or class, Nez invests his time and energy in his business ventures and podcast. Nez is someone that staff describes as a positive, ambitious go-getter who is a wonderful listener, eager to help others and build their confidence. You can find him at the Career Center front desk, ready to greet and advise you whether you stop by our office or drop-in via Zoom. Read below to learn more about Nez and his experience as a Career Center supervisor.
What is your name?
Nez Redi
What is your position?
Career Specialist/Supervisor
What is your year and major?
Year: Junior
Major: Finance and Banking with Investments
How long have you been in this role and when did you start?
I’ve been a Career Specialist for 4 months and was just promoted to be a supervisor!
What made you want to become a Career Specialist?
The wealth of knowledge that this position has to offer that can help not only your friends but yourself. I love helping others and gaining these invaluable skills that will leave a forever lasting impact on my life.
What is your favorite part about the job?
I have 2 favorite parts about this job: First, getting to know my coworkers on a deeper level through our on-call shifts. The second is getting to talk to students who are in need of help and come down to the Career Center to sort it out – the best part being talking to students who are genuinely interested about their CliftonStrengths.
What do you find unique about your job?
It’s really hard to be a great career specialist without being vulnerable. When it comes to guiding another student through any problem they are facing, often it takes a career specialist being vulnerable to show that it’s okay to let our barrier down to start figuring out the root of our problems.
What is your favorite thing about the Career Center?
The number of services we offer is really broad so we can help with most things.
What is one thing you think all students should know and/or use about the Career Center?
It’s free and everyone is happy to help. I think often students forget that when we are lost or struggling, it’s okay to ask for help. This school offers so many tools that students don’t know about it.
What have you learned from this job? Maybe what skills have you gained?
I don’t consider myself to be a great speaker/communicator but through this job I have further developed my conversation skills, especially when it comes to starting and guiding a conversation. Through my role as outreach coordinator, I have also been working on developing my public speaking and learning the best methods for approaching an audience and the best ways to convey a message.
Any advice you would give to people who are either exploring career interests or even interested in becoming a Career Specialist?
Be willing to fail. The best way to learn from something is to give it a try and if things don’t work out understanding that it’s okay to fail. I love the quote from Thomas Edison, “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”
Nez is incredibly involved at Mizzou. He is founder of VSNFirst, a clothing brand that promotes clothing and inspiration for others to chase their dreams. Nez is also host of the podcast, The Zou Project, centered on new entrepreneurs.
Nez is just one of the many incredible student staff members you can meet in the Student Success Center. The MUCC has both helpful people and resources to offer! Learn about how to connect with a Career Specialist here or check out for any on campus job openings!