Career Scoop

The Advantages of Study Abroad

Hi, my name is Sydney Waldron, and I just got back from a three-week study abroad program, traveling to different newsrooms and agencies across Europe.

One of the great things about Mizzou is that they offer a variety of study abroad experiences that can fit into anyone’s schedule. For me, I knew that an entire semester wouldn’t work with my schedule because the credit hours I needed to take each semester weren’t compatible with any of the exchange trips. I also knew that a summer trip or internship wasn’t going to work because I already had a great internship lined up in the U.S. So, I decided to do a short trip over winter break, and it was a truly incredible experience.

During this trip, I learned a lot about the history and culture of the four cities we visited: Prague, Brussels, Barcelona, and Rome. I gained insights into each city’s struggles and conflicts, particularly those related to different religions. I was also exposed to a wealth of amazing art by some of my favorite artists, like Caravaggio and Rembrandt. A highlight was attending a Spanish league soccer game, which was a ton of fun. More importantly, I learned a lot about the various global opportunities for journalists through the different media site visits.

One of the most illuminating site visits was in Brussels. During the first visit, we met with a journalist who reported for a major news outlet. He spoke about what it’s like to cover the European Union from its headquarters in Brussels. He also discussed how political polarization, seen in places like the U.S. and the U.K., often leads to distrust in the media. This conversation really opened my eyes to the world of journalism and reporting opportunities beyond the United States, and how journalists and journalism are often received more favorably in other countries.

Another site visit that broadened my worldview was in Rome, where we met with a reporter who worked for a news outlet focused on the Vatican and the Pope. As a Catholic, this was especially interesting to me because I had never really thought about a journalism role that combines both faith and writing. This is now a career path I am considering after graduating from Mizzou.

Another great aspect of this trip was meeting more people within my major. While I’ve come to know a lot of people in the journalism program at Mizzou, specifically those in the reporting and writing track, I know fewer people in the other tracks. Through this trip, I had the opportunity to make more connections within the J-School and learn about what others are doing on their chosen paths. One person I spoke with, who is on the photo-documentary track, told me about her final capstone documentary about her friend who passed away in high school. Her powerful story made me excited to not only view her documentary but also all the other documentaries coming out of the J-School at the end of this year.

In conclusion, this trip was an eye-opening experience, both personally and professionally. It deepened my understanding of journalism on a global scale and helped me realize the wide range of opportunities available in the field. I’m grateful for the chance to travel, learn, and connect with fellow students and professionals from around the world. It has definitely inspired me to think about new career possibilities and how I can shape my future after graduation. I would for sure recommend some form of travel abroad to all Mizzou students. 

By Sydney Waldron