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Finding a job that fits your lifestyle is just as important as finding one that fits your major. Work environment plays a huge role in career fulfillment and can dictate how long you stay with a company. There are many factors that can come into play, such as working conditions, communication styles, interpersonal relationships, and personal values.
The first step to knowing yourself, is to know your strengths. This is where CliftonStrengths comes into play. The survey helps you identify what makes you unique by highlighting your top 5 talents. These strengths give you good insights into what environment and roles work for you best. The cost for CliftonStrengths is $15 and includes a personalized conversation with a Career Specialist, who can guide you with advice.
Focus 2
Focus 2 is a comprehensive career site that identifies your values, skills, and personality. After completing the surveys, it combines the results and suggests jobs and career paths that are well-matched for you. This test is free for Mizzou Tigers and offers the chance to discover more about your personality.
Self Evaluation
If you prefer prompts rather than surveys, self reflection can be a handy tool for delving deeper into your past experiences. First, rank your prior jobs and experiences based on your enjoyment. Then, write down the pros and cons of each position. Here are some prompts to consider:
- Does this job align with my values?
- Do I enjoy collaboration or do I prefer to work independently?
- Who do I work with best?
- What are my strengths and skills?
After you write down the pros and cons, try and see if there is a pattern in your work preferences. If you do not have much work experience, think about times you have worked volunteered or worked with in a group environment.
If you find yourself stumped, the MU Career Center provides career counseling and can help you start your journey of self discovery. The Career Center is open weekdays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and meetings are available through MU Connect
By Ana B.