Key Considerations
The MU Career Center offers assignment options and presentations, and we are excited to collaborate with you to best serve your class or group. For greatest impact, we recommend that you consider the following:
- Introduce topic: Consider the best way to initially involve your group. This could be a verbal introduction or information shared on Canvas.
- Host a presentation: Invite a presenter to connect with your group.
- Assign an activity: Instruct your students to interact with a Career Specialist or work with online resources.
- Follow up: Share helpful links, handouts, and resources.
Make an Assignment or Presentation Request
Browse the options below and submit a request:
Assignments and Presentations
The MU Career Center offers the following options to request for your class or group. To maximize student learning outcomes, we recommend that you plan a class presentation and assignment or follow-up activity. For additional clarification or to discuss ideas, please email
Presentation Topics
The following presentations are designed to be 45 minutes long and delivered by a trained MU Career Center staff member. Abbreviated 20-minute workshop options are indicated with an asterisk (*).
CliftonStrengths: Students identify their top talent themes that can help them explore career options, prepare for their job search, and find academic success. Students required to take CliftonStrengths assignment.
Values Activity: An interactive game where participants bid on career values, helping them evaluate critical considerations of a career. Ideal for audiences <20.
Workshop Your Resume*: Students create or update their resume during this interactive session that highlights key sections, compelling content, and formatting tips.
Resume/Cover Letter: Students learn the foundations of writing and refining a resume and cover letter to show off strengths, target content, and create a professional design.
Resume/Interviewing: A shortened version of both the resume and interviewing presentations, with basic information to prepare students for the job search.
Interviewing*: An interactive presentation that includes information about how to prepare, answer common questions, and what to expect from most interviewing situations.
LinkedIn and Online Image*: Students discover the basics of networking using LinkedIn and how to use social media to research careers and search for opportunities.
MU Career Center Services Overview*: An introduction to the MU Career Center with a brief overview of our services.
Assignment Options
Assignments are designed to have students visit the Career Center in person.
CliftonStrengths Assessment ($15 fee per person)
Online assessment that identifies students’ top five talent themes. We recommend students speak with a Career Specialist to process their results.
Focus 2 Assessment (free)
Online assessment that helps students explore interests, values, personality, skills, and leisure activities, and how they relate to occupations. We recommend students speak with a Career Specialist to discuss their results.
Resume Review
Students visit the MU Career Center with a draft of their resume for review.
Interviewing Preparation
Students learn tips on interview techniques from a Career Specialist.
Big Interview (online software platform)
Students record interview answers and learn tips to excel in interviews. Email Laura Peiter for faculty/staff access.
LinkedIn Profile Review
Students create or enhance their LinkedIn profile with a Career Specialist.
Headshot Studio
Students take a professional headshot in our studio for LinkedIn and Handshake.
Resumes and Cover Letters
- Presentation: Workshop Your Resume, Resume/Cover Letter or Resume/Interviewing
- Assignment: Resume review at MU Career Center
- Follow up: Share resume and cover letter resources
- Presentation: CliftonStrengths
- Assignment: CliftonStrengths assessment ($15) and visit MU Career Center
- Follow up: Share CliftonStrengths, have your students write a reflection
- Presentation: Interviewing
- Assignment: Interview tips at MU Career Center, complete an online interview with Big Interview
- Follow up: Share interviewing resources
- Presentation: LinkedIn and Online Image
- Assignment: LinkedIn profile review at MU Career Center, professional headshot in our studio
- Follow up: Share online image resources Guide to LinkedIn
Career and Major Exploration
- Presentation: Values Activity or Focus 2
- Assignment: Focus 2 assessment and MU Career Center visit
- Follow up: Share career and major exploration resources
Career Readiness and MU Career Center Information
- Presentation: MU Career Center Services Overview
- Assignment: In class career readiness competency reflection
- Follow up: Share student career readiness guides
Follow up: Within 1-3 business days we will contact you with a confirmation or follow up questions.
If no response: Please email us if you have not received a reply after 3 business days.
Two weeks: You should submit your request a minimum of two weeks prior to the desired presentation date or assignment due date.
Options: We do our best to accommodate requests but sometimes issues arise, such as:
- A date or time conflict
- Lacking enough notice to secure a presenter (less than two weeks)
- MU Career Center traffic will be too overwhelming
- A customized topic cannot be created
If any of the following occur, we will contact you to find the best solution.
Length and Time: Typically 45 minutes. 3 topics have a brief 20-minute option.
Presenters: Facilitated by one of our outstanding trained paraprofessional staff.
Content: Designed to be interactive and helpful for student audiences (freshmen-senior, most majors/career interest areas). Specific customization may not be available.
Location: Presentations are usually delivered in person, though we take Zoom requests. Please indicate location on your request form.
Resources: Additional career resources to provide to your class/group can be found at Mizzou Career Tools.
Timeframes: Presentations are available 9:00 am-8:00 pm Monday-Thursday and 9:00 am-4:00 pm on Friday. We may not be able to accommodate requests on Wednesdays from 4:00 pm-5:30 pm as this is our weekly staff meeting time.
- Location: Students can drop-in or make an appointment for career coaching with our staff M-F from 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
- Assessments and other Assignments: Students will need to schedule NO LATER than 3:00 pm to allow time for the consultation. Our staff are able to provide your students proof of their visit in the form of a 1-question Canvas quiz they can save as a PDF or screenshot for submission.
- Don’t wait: Please advise your students not to wait until the last minute: we can’t guarantee a student will be seen on time if they come in the day the assignment is due.
Non-urgent questions: Email the Outreach Team.
Urgent questions: If you haven’t received a confirmation, need to reschedule or cancel a presentation on short notice, or have other urgent questions, email Laura Peiter or call 573-884-6317.