Employment Overview

Get Started with Work-Study

Steps to apply for a new position 

  1. Accept Federal Work-Study in MyZou.  
    • Look for the Financial Aid tile. Complete the Financial Aid “to do” items. 
  2. Login to the Work-Study Employment System.
    • There is a delay after accepting in MyZou. You might need to wait 48 hours. 
    • Enter your username and password. If you do not have a password, use the IT Quick Guide for New Students.
    • Your username is the letters and numbers before the @ in your email; do not enter your entire email address. 
  3. Search for a position
    • Use the ‘employer’ list or enter ‘keywords’ to see open positions such as, “research,” “marketing,” “technology,” “health,” or “finance.”    
    • Click the job number to view the job description.  
  4. Apply for a position. 
    • Review job description before hitting the “Apply Now” button. You can only connect with one application and will not be able to view additional opportunities once you hit the “Apply Now” button. 
    • The application form is sent to your MU email account that includes application next steps. 

Steps to return to a position 

  1. Accept Federal Work-Study in MyZou.  
    • Look for the Financial Aid tile. Complete the Financial Aid “to do” items. 
  2. Login to the Work-Study Employment System
    • There is a delay after accepting in MyZou. You might need to wait 48 hours. 
    • Enter your username and password.
    • Your username is the letters and numbers before the @ in your email; do not enter your entire email address. 
  3. Requested for a position: 
    • “Accept” position and your supervisor will be notified. 
  4. Returning to a position and not requested. 
    • If you and your supervisor agreed for you to return:  
      • Search for the position using the ‘employer search,’ click on the job number, and click the “Apply Now” button. 
      • An application will be emailed to your university email account with instructions for following up with the employer. 

Pay and hours

Federal Work-Study offers are generally awarded up to $4,000 for the academic year (split between the fall and spring semesters). The amount of Federal Work-Study offered is the maximum amount a student can earn within that academic year.

Students are not guaranteed to earn the full amount of their award, and unused portions cannot be rolled over to be used in the summer or for the next academic year. Any hours worked during the summer semester must be covered separately, by the department. 

Prepare for employment

Students who are brand new Mizzou employees or students who change positions and were not transferred from the former position to the new position will need to complete required forms and New Employee Registration. After you secure a position, you will receive notification from Human Resources about required forms and next steps.

Getting paid

Students submit hours worked in Time & Labor in MyHR. Connect with this guide and your supervisor for assistance. You will be paid every other Wednesday based on your first day of employment. The payroll calendar includes dates to submit your time worked and your paydays! Remember, you cannot work during class times, including online courses.
