The Federal Work-Study program is an opportunity for students to gain valuable work experience and earn money, mainly through part-time, on-campus jobs, to help pay for educational expenses.
- Eligibility: Only students who qualify for the Work-Study Program are eligible to apply for positions posted in the Work-Study Employment System. Students must qualify each academic year. Students may secure only one Work-Study funded position.
- Funding: for positions is provided by the Work-Study Program. There is not funding during the summer semester.
- Earnings: Students can earn up to a designated amount for the fall and spring semesters. Departments are responsible for covering any earnings over the designated amount.
How do I post a position?
A job description is required, and a Work-Study Contact is assigned for each position. Faculty and staff new to the Work-Study Program should email us to get started.
Work-study contact role
Work-Study Contacts are typically a business support professional who has fiscal or human resources responsibilities within a department.
Current Work-Study Contacts have access to submit new jobs, update positions, and change application status in the Work-Study Employment System. Instructions and tutorials are available in the Work-Study Contacts Toolkit 2024-2025. Work-Study Contacts also submit hiring information to Human Resources to begin the onboarding process.
New Work-Study Contacts should email us to get started.
Supervisor responsibilities
- Communicate to the Work-Study Contact your hiring needs and request returning students.
- Approve time worked in Time and Labor.
- Conduct training for job responsibilities and assign projects and tasks.
- Prepare students for their future through development of Career Readiness Skills.