Employment Overview

Hiring Work-Study Students

Hiring a New Student 

  1. Work-Study Contact submits position to Work-Study Employment System for approval or copies job from previous year. 
  2. Application notifications are sent to Work-Study Contact and supervisor. 
  3. Supervisor interviews student. 
  4. Supervisor communicates hiring decision to Work-Study Contact.
  5. Work-Study Contact hires or releases student application in Work-Study Employment System. 
  6. Work-Study Contact submits ePAF to begin onboarding process; use Work-Study designated MoCode. 
  7. Student receives email from Human Resources to complete required forms in MyHR and attend New Employee Registration. 
  8. Student can begin working and supervisor can approve time in Time and Labor.  

Reinstate a Returning Student for Position 

  1. Work-Study Contact copies position from previous academic year. 
  2. Supervisor communicates requested student to Work-Study Contact. 
  3. Student accepts or declines request in Work-Study Employment System. 
  4. Work-Study Contact hires or releases student application in Work-Study Employment System. 
  5. Work-Study Contact updates MoCode for current academic year for payroll. 
  6. Student can begin working and supervisor can approve time in Time and Labor.  

Hiring and Interviewing

Let us help you recruit students! Download a sample job description and review resources for interviewing candidates. The Career Center has the resources and advice to help you identify the best candidates.

Timesheets and Payroll

Help new hires learn how to enter their time and submit their timesheets. Also, share with them the payroll calendar so new hires know when they will get paid.


onboarding resources

Share information with new hires about New Employee Registration as well as the Student Work-Study Handbook with details about the program and the expectations and responsibilities of Work-Study students.