Hiring a New Student
- Work-Study Contact submits position to Work-Study Employment System for approval or copies job from previous year.
- Application notifications are sent to Work-Study Contact and supervisor.
- Supervisor interviews student.
- Supervisor communicates hiring decision to Work-Study Contact.
- Work-Study Contact hires or releases student application in Work-Study Employment System.
- Work-Study Contact submits ePAF to begin onboarding process; use Work-Study designated MoCode.
- Student receives email from Human Resources to complete required forms in MyHR and attend New Employee Registration.
- Student can begin working and supervisor can approve time in Time and Labor.
Reinstate a Returning Student for Position
- Work-Study Contact copies position from previous academic year.
- Supervisor communicates requested student to Work-Study Contact.
- Student accepts or declines request in Work-Study Employment System.
- Work-Study Contact hires or releases student application in Work-Study Employment System.
- Work-Study Contact updates MoCode for current academic year for payroll.
- Student can begin working and supervisor can approve time in Time and Labor.