Learn by doing
Skills & Experience
Test out your career interests
Skill-Building Experiences

Pursue research
Mizzou is one of the top research universities in the country. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in research, scholarship, and creative activity. Students from all majors can work with faculty mentors to discover knowledge across campus.

Service to others
Learn valuable lessons in citizenship and develop important personal and professional skills while helping the community. Apply your course knowledge to real world situations while gaining valuable experience.

Gain a global perspective
With over 250 programs in 50+ countries, you can achieve your personal, academic and professional goals while studying abroad and immersing yourself in a new culture.
Campus Involvement
There are hundreds of recognized student organizations as well as intramural sport teams at Mizzou. Clubs are a great way to explore interests, meet new people, and gain teamwork and leadership skills. Speak with an Involvement Ambassador to explore different opportunities based on your interests. Getting involved on campus can help you achieve your personal, academic, and professional goals.
Part-time jobs and internships are great ways to gain experience and build new skills that can give you a competitive advantage in the job market. Working while at Mizzou is not only an opportunity to earn money, but a way to develop your professional network and potential references.

Change a child's life
Jumpstart partners with local preschools to offer tutoring for children. The program includes 100+ college students serving hundreds of children living with limited resources in the community. Jumpstart members choose to use their time to make a difference in the lives of others. Serving as role models and enhancing educational opportunities, Jumpstart offers a wonderful chance to impact your community.