Career Scoop


Sep. 14, 2022

How to Find A Work Life Balance

Between jobs, schoolwork, and clubs on top of having a social life, we are all busy people! Making the most out of each task may feel like our top priority, but when’s the last time you stopped or slowed down? When’s the last time you focused on your mental well-being and not just personal achievement? We live in a hustle culture and sometimes that check in can be hard. Life moves so fast and sometimes we lose a sense of balance before we even realize. Work life balance is a constant cycle that you have to actively prioritize.


Sep. 7, 2022

What’s the Value of a Part-Time Job?

Welcome back, Tigers! We hope your first few weeks of school have been nothing but extraordinary and full of memorable moments. The MUCC is excited for all the upcoming campus career fairs that will provide you with the opportunity to find the right employer. In the coming weeks, we will be hosting the Campus Part-Time Fair at Lowry Mall on September 13th, where you will have access to employers looking to hire students like yourself. Along with being an integral part of the community that you will live in during your time at university,…


Aug. 24, 2022

The Right Way to Read an Entry-Level Job Description

So you’ve found an entry-level job description that looks promising. How do you make sure it’s worth your time to apply? The job description can tell you a lot, not just about the role, but about the company and culture. Take the time to read the job description carefully. Then, use the job description to help you tailor your application. Breaking down the sections of a job description Job title The same role type can have very different titles at different companies. For example, Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) can also be called Business Development Representatives (BDRs). Words like “manager” can…


Aug. 17, 2022

Don’t “Do What You Love,” Do What Lets You Have the Life You Want

When it comes to career advice, we’ve all heard, “Do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” Or picked up Marsha Sinetar’s book proclaiming, “Do what you love, the money will follow.” Or thought of Lana Del Ray explaining that “doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness.” Well, I’m not so sure. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this advice. In fact, they’re great sound bites that have convinced many people—myself included—to follow their passions, pursue their dreams, and shoot for the stars. After all, who doesn’t…


Aug. 10, 2022

How to Show Off Your Soft Skills to Employers – With Samples

Tell a story on your resume and cover letter to demonstrate your personal qualities. What are soft skills?  When employers are searching for candidates on Handshake, they’re usually looking for hard skills: specific competencies like Python, Spanish, or Photoshop.  Your soft skills, on the other hand, are about personal qualities that influence how you do your work. For example, these could include creativity, communication skills, and showing initiative. These skills are just as important to employers. Here’s how to show your soft skills in your job application. Start with the job description The best place to start is always the …


July 27, 2022

This One Easy Habit Will Make You Better (and Happier) at Work

One of my mom’s favorite stories to tell us as children was the tale of the traveler and the three bricklayers. In the story, the traveler meets the bricklayers, who are hard at work, and asks them what they’re doing. One of my mom’s favorite stories to tell us as children was the tale of the traveler and the three bricklayers. In the story, the traveler meets the bricklayers, who are hard at work, and asks them what they’re doing. The first man responds, “I’m laying bricks.” The second man responds, “I’m building a church.” The third man responds, enthusiastically,…


July 20, 2022

47 Online Classes That’ll Help Your Career (and They’re Free!)

Learning a new skill helps your career. Period. And it’s true no matter who you are. Looking for a new job? A unique skill could easily set you apart from the hundreds of other applicants. Worked in the same position for a long time? Expertise in a new field could be the factor that gets you the promotion. And even if you’re a senior-level manager who’s totally content, getting experience in an unfamiliar area shows your team how much you value learning something new. Before you start stressing, know that we’re not asking you to sacrifice your life to…


July 13, 2022

How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic

Will Hunting, they boy genius from the movie Good Will Hunting, said that when it came to organic chemistry, he could “always just play”. He also said that Beethoven saw a piano at a young age and could “just play”. Well good for them! What about the rest of us? Can we too achieve greatness? And if so, how? There is in fact hope for us, and it comes in the form of two little words: Work Ethic. My favorite thing about work ethic is that it does not discriminate. It does not care if you are old or young,…


July 5, 2022

Why Work in Government?

Every July 4th we celebrate our founding of our nation and it seems like a good time to discuss career opportunities in government. Career opportunities in government range from cybersecurity to environmental safety to public health. Public servants are passionate about making a difference in the world and keen to help our government tackle complex national and global challenges. The chance to make a difference Federal employees change lives here and around the world, working to end homelessness, find cures for disease, keep our food supply safe and more. Great benefits and competitive pay Average salaries are competitive with the…


June 29, 2022

How to Make a Potential Employer Fall in Love With You

Looking for ways to impress a potential employer? Want to make your resume or job application stand out from the pack? During one two-week time period, a Human Resources staff member in a small manufacturing company shared that she reviewed 485 resumes and applications for 18 different positions. They then interviewed 23 candidates and brought six back for a second, more intense round of interviews. You’ll want to believe this advice. This HR staff person can tell you what really rang her chimes. You may find that some of this advice is like, duh, who doesn’t know this job…