Nov. 9, 2022
Building a Research Footprint
When Kristen Barwick chose the University of Missouri, her primary goal was to get into a research laboratory. Barwick enjoyed biology and chemistry in high school and became interested in research after listening to a teacher describe their research endeavors.

Nov. 2, 2022
Service: Transform Lives Including your Own!
With so many extracurriculars to pick from, it’s hard to narrow down what opportunities will fit you best. One thing we recommend all college-aged students try out is volunteering! There are so many benefits to volunteering, but here are just a few reasons why you might consider giving it a shot. Benefits https://career.missouri.edu/service-transform-lives-including-your-own/(opens in a new tab) It Makes Your Resume Stand Out Older groups and high schoolers are both more likely to volunteer than college students, and even put in more hours than them, too. So college students can really stand out by doing volunteer…

Oct. 26, 2022
5 Tips for Exploring Career Interests in College
Whether you are just about to enter college, in your final year, or about to start your master’s degree, you know well enough that exploring your career interests and options is no easy feat. It takes years of figuring out what interests you the most. And even then, there’s no telling if something else may come your way and change your path again. According to Frank, “at least 80% of college students change their major throughout their college education.” Take my story, for example. Entering my liberal arts college as a freshman, I signed up for Marketing Communications when in all actuality,…

Oct. 25, 2022
Transferable Skills and Where to Find Them
As a college student, you may find yourself prioritizing school, friends, or regular income over gaining experience in your field. That’s okay! Believe it or not, many employers don’t expect recent college graduates (or underclassmen) to have 10+ years of work experience under their belt. Your resume is bound to feel a barren, but you can actually bulk it up with regular experiences. Let us show you the way: What Experiences Count? All of them! Recruiters love to hire people who are more than their GPA. They love hearing about your volunteer work, your extracurricular clubs, and your leadership experiences…

Oct. 12, 2022
5 Career Benefits of Getting Involved
Whether you choose to try out a new club, take on a part-time job, or just get more active within your major, involvement can do amazing things for your resume and career. Here’s what getting involved can do for you: Marketable Skills The groups and organizations you are involved in closely resemble most future workplaces more than anything else you do in college. When employers are reviewing candidates for a position, the most desired traits are leadership, teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills. (Find the full list of the top ten most desired attributes here: https://career.missouri.edu/resumes-interviews/desired-attributes/.) Not only does your…

Oct. 5, 2022
Why Study Abroad Can Change Your Life
As a college student, you are gaining skills and life experience all the time. Studying abroad can boost these attributes at warp speed if you’ll let it. Though you may be daunted by the idea of leaving your home country and being truly on your own out there in the world, it can be a freeing and gratifying experience that proves you can handle most anything. If you have the opportunity to study abroad, take it, and here are a few simple reasons why you should if you need some more convincing. You’ll See the World (Up close and personal…

Sep. 14, 2022
How to Find A Work Life Balance
Between jobs, schoolwork, and clubs on top of having a social life, we are all busy people! Making the most out of each task may feel like our top priority, but when’s the last time you stopped or slowed down? When’s the last time you focused on your mental well-being and not just personal achievement? We live in a hustle culture and sometimes that check in can be hard. Life moves so fast and sometimes we lose a sense of balance before we even realize. Work life balance is a constant cycle that you have to actively prioritize.

Sep. 7, 2022
What’s the Value of a Part-Time Job?
Welcome back, Tigers! We hope your first few weeks of school have been nothing but extraordinary and full of memorable moments. The MUCC is excited for all the upcoming campus career fairs that will provide you with the opportunity to find the right employer. In the coming weeks, we will be hosting the Campus Part-Time Fair at Lowry Mall on September 13th, where you will have access to employers looking to hire students like yourself. Along with being an integral part of the community that you will live in during your time at university,…

Aug. 24, 2022
The Right Way to Read an Entry-Level Job Description
So you’ve found an entry-level job description that looks promising. How do you make sure it’s worth your time to apply? The job description can tell you a lot, not just about the role, but about the company and culture. Take the time to read the job description carefully. Then, use the job description to help you tailor your application. Breaking down the sections of a job description Job title The same role type can have very different titles at different companies. For example, Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) can also be called Business Development Representatives (BDRs). Words like “manager” can…

Aug. 17, 2022
Don’t “Do What You Love,” Do What Lets You Have the Life You Want
When it comes to career advice, we’ve all heard, “Do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” Or picked up Marsha Sinetar’s book proclaiming, “Do what you love, the money will follow.” Or thought of Lana Del Ray explaining that “doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness.” Well, I’m not so sure. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this advice. In fact, they’re great sound bites that have convinced many people—myself included—to follow their passions, pursue their dreams, and shoot for the stars. After all, who doesn’t…