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Career Scoop is an online forum created by, for, and about Mizzou students. Here you’ll find the most current information, tips, and the “inside scoop” on all things career-related. Subscribe now to get updates and discover ways to successfully pursue your career goals.

What is a “Running” Resume?

Summer is coming to an end, and that means it’s time to update your resume with your latest experiences and accomplishments. One of the simplest ways to track your experiences and simplify the process of staying up to date is to keep a running resume. A running resume is a comprehensive document that includes every…

Dos and Don’ts When Asking for References

References and recommendation letters can be the most intimidating part of a job application, perhaps because they feel least within your own control.  It may be daunting to ask someone else to talk about you, but here are some suggestions for how to set yourself up for success.  DO obtain permission from your reference before…

How to Protect Yourself from AI-Generated Job Scams

Generative AI such as ChatGPT is revolutionizing digital scams across the world. For job scammers, these programs make it substantially easier to craft detailed and compelling job descriptions in very little time. Previous red flags, such as poor spelling and vague descriptions, may be less recognizable now that more sophisticated technology is available. Job scams…

Tips and Tricks to Land a Part-Time Job this Fall

As the fall semester grows nearer, it’s time to start thinking about employment. Whether you’re looking for an industry-specific position or an entry-level job that pays the bills, here are the Career Scoop’s top tips for job seeking and making your application stand out. First, start by developing an organizational system that works for you.…

Careers in Government to Consider Based on Your Major and Interests

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 9.6 million jobs in federal, state and local governments across the country. These jobs encompass hundreds of industries and have an annual mean wage of $70,590. There are many pros and cons to working for the government, but for students who are considering public…

Ten Places to Visit Within Walking Distance of Campus

You don’t need a car to have delightful experiences in CoMo. As summer welcome sweeps across Mizzou, enjoy the Career Scoop’s list of the top ten things to check out within walking distance of campus. A few notes: we’ve calculated the distances using Jesse Hall, and the prices are accurate as of the publication of…

10 Best Work from Home Jobs Requiring No Experience

The truth is––not all of us want to sit in an office from 9 to 5 every weekday. And not all of us have the work experience or education for specific job opportunities. However, one thing almost all of us share is a motivation for job security and a steady income.  What if we told…

Soft skills 101: Definition + 50 Examples

Soft skills are becoming increasingly important in today’s job market. They refer to the personal attributes that enable you to interact effectively with others, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. Employers are looking for candidates who possess these skills in addition to their technical expertise. In this article, we will guide beginners on…

4 Ways to Gain Experience and Upskill Your Summer

Even if you don’t have a summer job or internship, there are plenty of ways that your summer can give you new experiences for your resume and expose you to career paths you may never have considered before. Check out some of the free resources that can make your summer the resume-builder you’d hoped for. …

Career Outcomes: What do MU alumni do after graduation?

Each year Mizzou conducts the Outcomes Survey, asking all graduating seniors about their post-grad plans. Those results are published on the Career Outcomes website.  The data shows that Mizzou talent is sought after by employers and students are graduating career ready!  For Class of 2022,  95.4% of MU graduates has a successful career outcome 6…