Career Scoop


Oct. 17, 2023

Connecting through Tiger Spirit

We’ve talked before about career fairs as a means of networking with potential employers, but did you know that you can network in other ways too? Talking to alumni is a great way to get started. Tons of people graduate from MU every year, which means lots of people get added to an alumni network that you can access through different programs here on campus.  LinkedIn  LinkedIn is one of the best ways to start talking to alumni, especially for people who prefer to keep a more professional image with their network. Adding alumni from your school can help build…


Oct. 10, 2023

Projects to Prospects (or Advertising Yourself)

With midterms coming up, it is easy to throw in the towel and do the bare minimum when it comes to writing papers or completing projects. However, these assignments don’t have to just be a checkmark off your to-do list.

Red checkmark on list

Sep. 27, 2023

The Skills that Really Matter on Your Handshake Profile

Handshake is an amazing tool for finding career event details, exploring the job market and applying for jobs and internships! The app and website are easy to use and even allow you to apply for a job right then and there. With customizable profile settings, you might be wondering what’s worth including or highlighting about yourself on your profile. Read below to find out the top skills that recruiters look for on a Handshake profile. Your skills section is one of the most important parts of your Handshake profile—if you do it right. The keywords…


Sep. 22, 2023

Taking MAJOR Steps

Did you know that at least 80% of college students change majors at least once during their college career? So, it’s nothing to worry about if you find yourself getting more and more curious about other educational paths. In fact, its more beneficial if you do your research now and switch sooner rather than later. Here are some things to look at as you reconsider your path at MU.


Sep. 14, 2023

Career Fair Preparation

Hey Tigers! With temperatures cooling down, Mizzou’s career fair season is heating up! Throughout September and October, Mizzou will be hosting a plethora of job fairs on campus. Employers from around the country gather to give students the opportunity to network, seek out internships, and find potential work after graduation. At first, career fairs can feel overwhelming, but with the proper preparation, you can make good impressions and network effectively! Signing up To get started, check out HireMizzouTigers to get a brief overview of which career fairs would best fit your schedule and career path. Then, click…


Sep. 6, 2023

5 Steps for Career Readiness

With the fall season coming around the corner, it is the perfect time to advance your career readiness.  Whether you are a complete beginner or you already have some experience, Mizzou has resources that can help you succeed in any field.  Clean up your Resume  Resumes are one of the most important parts of the job process. A good resume should reflect your skills and prior work experience. Mizzou offers a helpful step by step guide to help make your resume stand out to potential employers. For additional assistance, Mizzou offers an online submission site to receive professional advice. While…

planner and post-its

Aug. 29, 2023

Organization Hacks for a New Semester

Hello Tigers! Organization and planning are vital for starting the new semester on the right foot. It might seem overwhelming at first, but it does not have to be!

Aug. 24, 2023

Part-Time Campus Job Fair: 3 Tips for Success

The Part-Time Campus Job Fair is less than two weeks away: September 7th from 12-3 pm!  All students are welcome to participate and while you can simply show up that day to Lowry Mall, it’s in your best interest to do a little planning in advance. I have outlined some simple steps to help you make the day successful! 1. Bring Materials Students should bring their Student ID so we can swipe you in and give you a list of attending employers.  We also recommend having a folder with you so you can collect business cards and job applications. Also,…


Aug. 10, 2023

Where will Mizzou Take You? Five Ways to Develop Career Readiness

The National Association of Colleges and Employers defines career readiness as “a foundation from which to demonstrate core competencies that broadly prepare the college educated for success in the workplace and lifelong career management.” It also identifies eight career competencies that employers look for during the hiring process: career & self-development, critical thinking, equity & inclusion, leadership, professionalism, teamwork and technology. Through seeking to improve and demonstrate competencies in these areas, students can make themselves stand out to employers. Here are five opportunities at Mizzou that can help you learn and demonstrate some of these competencies: Extracurriculars Mizzou has over…


Aug. 1, 2023

What is a “Running” Resume?

Summer is coming to an end, and that means it’s time to update your resume with your latest experiences and accomplishments. One of the simplest ways to track your experiences and simplify the process of staying up to date is to keep a running resume. A running resume is a comprehensive document that includes every experience you’ve had, including employment, extracurricular activities, volunteering, research and more. It includes basic information about each position (job title, location, start and end dates), and bullet points used on past resumes. It could also include other sections, such as software you’re familiar with or…