Career Readiness for Faculty/Staff

Career readiness is a foundation of core competencies that broadly prepare college students for success in the workplace. These eight competencies are sought after by employers from all industries and desired from all majors. Learn more about the definitions and sample behaviors.

  • Career & Self-Development
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork
  • Technology

Facilitate Learning and Growth

Students develop career competencies through curricular and co-curricular experiences at Mizzou.  However, recognizing these competencies within different contexts can be challenging.  Faculty have the unique opportunity to help students reflect on how they can translate their skills toward relevant careers using a shared understanding and language of career readiness. 

Consider ways you can introduce career readiness to students and incorporate career readiness in your classroom, advising and student interactions. 

1) Share Resources and Make Referrals 

Encourage students to  meet with a Career Specialist.  Our friendly and resourceful staff members are eager to help students, in-person or online, weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00  p.m.   

Also, share helpful career readiness resources: 

2) Create Intentional Activities 

Consult our Career Readiness Ideas for Instructors and Career Readiness Ideas for Supervisors for suggestions on how to help students develop their competencies and recognize their skills in and out of the classroom. 

3) Consult and Network  

Take advantage of Career Center resources, newsletters and our Career Development Network for continued discussions about student career development and career readiness. We also welcome requests for consultations about incorporating career development into individual courses, undergraduate curriculum and student interactions.