Career Scoop


July 13, 2023

Tips and Tricks to Land a Part-Time Job this Fall

As the fall semester grows nearer, it’s time to start thinking about employment. Whether you’re looking for an industry-specific position or an entry-level job that pays the bills, here are the Career Scoop’s top tips for job seeking and making your application stand out. First, start by developing an organizational system that works for you. Job searching can be messy, especially when you’re submitting applications through various platforms and company websites. If you’re not on top of everything, you’ll miss deadlines and important opportunities will slip through the cracks. One method of organization is to make an excel spreadsheet with…


July 2, 2023

Careers in Government to Consider Based on Your Major and Interests

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 9.6 million jobs in federal, state and local governments across the country. These jobs encompass hundreds of industries and have an annual mean wage of $70,590. There are many pros and cons to working for the government, but for students who are considering public sector employment, here are some of the many opportunities across majors and interest areas. 1. Administration The office and administrative support sector employs over 1.5 million people with an annual mean wage of $48,530. People in these roles can work as HR managers, analysts, administrative…


June 26, 2023

Ten Places to Visit Within Walking Distance of Campus

You don’t need a car to have delightful experiences in CoMo. As summer welcome sweeps across Mizzou, enjoy the Career Scoop’s list of the top ten things to check out within walking distance of campus. A few notes: we’ve calculated the distances using Jesse Hall, and the prices are accurate as of the publication of this article. Also, this list is sorted alphabetically – it’s not a tier list but some suggestions to get you started when exploring the city. Welcome to CoMo! We hope you fall in love with it like we have. 1. The Blue Note Distance: 0.5…


May 23, 2023

10 Best Work from Home Jobs Requiring No Experience

The truth is––not all of us want to sit in an office from 9 to 5 every weekday. And not all of us have the work experience or education for specific job opportunities. However, one thing almost all of us share is a motivation for job security and a steady income.  What if we told you you could find a job with no prior experience required and one you can do from your recliner chair?  Below we will detail some of the best jobs you can apply for that do not require any experience and are offered remotely.  Here are…


May 18, 2023

Soft skills 101: Definition + 50 Examples

Soft skills are becoming increasingly important in today’s job market. They refer to the personal attributes that enable you to interact effectively with others, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. Employers are looking for candidates who possess these skills in addition to their technical expertise. In this article, we will guide beginners on how to showcase their soft skills on their resume. What are soft skills? Soft skills refer to a set of personal attributes, behaviors, and social attitudes that enable individuals to interact effectively with others in a workplace or social environment. These skills are essential for…


May 10, 2023

4 Ways to Gain Experience and Upskill Your Summer

Even if you don’t have a summer job or internship, there are plenty of ways that your summer can give you new experiences for your resume and expose you to career paths you may never have considered before. Check out some of the free resources that can make your summer the resume-builder you’d hoped for. 


May 1, 2023

Career Outcomes: What do MU alumni do after graduation?

Each year Mizzou conducts the Outcomes Survey, asking all graduating seniors about their post-grad plans. Those results are published on the Career Outcomes website.  The data shows that Mizzou talent is sought after by employers and students are graduating career ready!  For Class of 2022,  95.4% of MU graduates has a successful career outcome 6 months after Spring graduation. (A successful outcome includes employment, military service and continuing education). The interactive site allows you to see where recent alumni live, who employs them, what industries they enter, and where they continue their education. You can look…


May 1, 2023

Looking for a Mentor? Start by Asking These 7 Questions

Imagine yourself standing at the base of a very tall, scary-looking mountain that you know you’ve got to climb. Wouldn’t it help to have somebody who’s done it before to guide you along the path, warning you about treacherous ledges and answering your questions about which boulders are safe to grab onto? If you’re a college student or recent graduate and beginning the journey up the mountain of your career, a great mentor can serve as this sort of guide. However, if you don’t know where to start, finding a potential mentor can be almost as intimidating as that mountain!…


April 24, 2023

Using ChatGPT for Your Career

ChatGPT is all the rage right now – I cannot scroll through my news feed without seeing a story about its impact. Whether authors are warning about the elimination of jobs or discussing the harms of artificial intelligence, I think we should take a moment to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of this new technology, especially as it related to your career planning. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot developed by OpenAI that enables users to have human-like (casual) conversations with a chatbot that can answer questions, solve problems, and complete tasks (like composing emails, creating code,…


April 17, 2023

Building Career Competencies: Leadership

If you’re currently working in a leadership role, chances are you possess qualities that are highly desirable to employers.  Studies show that competency in leadership is linked to emotional and social intelligence, and can lead to increased employee engagement, job performance and opportunities for advancement.  For the month of May, we’re breaking down eight career readiness competencies that workplaces are looking for when vetting candidates, according to research by the National Association of College Employers.  Today’s topic is leadership. According to its website, NACE defines leadership as the ability to “recognize and capitalize on personal and team…