Jan. 10, 2024
Companies to Help you Launch a Career and Pay Off Student Loans
Will I make it to class on time after snoozing my alarm? Was I supposed to take out the trash today or is it my roommate’s turn? What should I grab for dinner tonight? Will I spend the rest of my life feeling absolutely crushed beneath the weight of the loans that are helping me attend school today? …these are some of the thoughts that run through the average college student’s head on a regular basis
Jan. 2, 2024
It’s 2024: Be Resolute!
With the start of the new year, we all propose resolutions about making ourselves better than we were the year before, whether that be with the goal of weight loss or spending less money, but what about resolutions that students can focus on to gain more skills and experience in the upcoming semester?
Dec. 8, 2023
How to Stay Motivated in Unmotivating Times
As finals approach, many students struggle to find motivation to start studying and work on their projects. This is a common feeling, but there are strategies and tips to help get you back on your feet and finish strong!
Nov. 28, 2023
6 Expert Tips to Get the Most Out of Mentorship
The right mentor can help change your career path for the better, guiding important decisions and sharing important career advice. If you’ve already explored the many benefits of mentorship and figured out your game plan to find a mentor, the natural next step is to figure out exactly how to navigate your new mentoring relationship.
Nov. 15, 2023
How to Prepare for a Stress-Free Break
There is nothing worse than coming back from fall break with a messy room, full inbox, and finals creeping around the corner. That is why it is important to set aside time to prepare yourself for fall break. These tips take about 30 minutes each and can help you come back feeling refreshed and ready to finish the semester off strong!
Nov. 8, 2023
Cold Emailing: A Great Way to Find Hot Job Leads
Many people looking for jobs use websites like LinkedIn or Handshake to find internships or jobs. However, that is not the only way! Cold emailing is a great alternative to search for career opportunities and stand out to potential employers.It can seem like a daunting task, but with the right messaging, you can successfully showcase your skills and interest to a potential employer. Researching Potential Companies Before you start sending cold emails, research! Find out which companies are relevant to your field and make a list of them. You can use Handshake and Glassdoor as helpful resources if you are…
Nov. 1, 2023
Don’t Let Switching Majors Spook You!
There is nothing more daunting than wanting to change your major, however, you're not alone! According to NACADA (National Academic Advising Association), about half of students who are working towards their bachelor's degree switch their major at least once. College is a time to prepare you for your future, so it is important to find a major that will lead you to a satisfying and fulfilling career!
Oct. 17, 2023
Connecting through Tiger Spirit
We’ve talked before about career fairs as a means of networking with potential employers, but did you know that you can network in other ways too? Talking to alumni is a great way to get started. Tons of people graduate from MU every year, which means lots of people get added to an alumni network that you can access through different programs here on campus. LinkedIn LinkedIn is one of the best ways to start talking to alumni, especially for people who prefer to keep a more professional image with their network. Adding alumni from your school can help build…
Oct. 10, 2023
Projects to Prospects (or Advertising Yourself)
With midterms coming up, it is easy to throw in the towel and do the bare minimum when it comes to writing papers or completing projects. However, these assignments don’t have to just be a checkmark off your to-do list.
Sep. 27, 2023
The Skills that Really Matter on Your Handshake Profile
Handshake is an amazing tool for finding career event details, exploring the job market and applying for jobs and internships! The app and website are easy to use and even allow you to apply for a job right then and there. With customizable profile settings, you might be wondering what’s worth including or highlighting about yourself on your profile. Read below to find out the top skills that recruiters look for on a Handshake profile. Your skills section is one of the most important parts of your Handshake profile—if you do it right. The keywords…