Career Courses

SSC 1150 Discover

This 2-credit hour class which meets twice weekly is intended for first semester Exploring majors. Course topics are led by an MU staff member and focus on both academic success as well as major exploration and career information.

Why enroll? This course is designed to create a positive student experience by connecting you with the Mizzou campus community and the academic resources essential to your success. Students will assess their strengths, values, interests, and skills to develop and implement an individualized and strategic approach to successfully navigate your way through college and life. You will become aware of the exploration process and understand your agency and responsibilities in major and career development.

How to register: Contact the Discovery Center for information.

Student testimonial: “I recommend this course to ANYONE. Even if you think you know what you want to do, you'll definitely find things that you've never thought about. It changes your perspective on many things to do with college.”

SSC 2100 Career Explorations

This 1-credit hour course, taught by MU Career Center staff, is open to undergraduate students of any major and any grade level who may be at any point of “deciding” about majors, careers, and life direction.  This is an ideal course for students who want to explore who they are, what to major in, what to with a major and/or what future career path to pursue. 

Why enroll? The goal of this course is to help you explore the personal and social motivations of career choices. Students will apply career development theory to choice of career and major through hands-on learning, reflection and meaningful group dialogue. The course contains a variety of self-discovery, life design, career exploration, and major investigation activities designed to help students with uncertainty about their future.

How to register: Go to myZou or Schedule Planner and search for Student Success Center (SSC) 2100.  

Student testimonial: “This course made me realize that there’s a lot of potential in myself and my ability to get to where I want to be in life.”