Navigating College Life: How My Job Helped My Skills, Finances, and Network

Hi! I am Sydney Waldron, a junior at Mizzou and currently employed at the MU career Center (MUCC) as one of two content creators. As a content creator, I write a lot of different captions, blogs, and posts for the various MUCC social media sites. My end goal is to connect Mizzou students with the vast resources at the MUCC and Mizzou in general. I also look at trying to get employers connected with students as well. I started my job late last spring and worked remotely over the summer. Here are some of the benefits I have already started to see working at MUCC. 

Refining my professional writing

As a journalism major with a focus on news reporting, writing is one of the biggest aspects of my academic career. Anyone who has spent time writing knows that practice and revising are everything to becoming better. The feedback both from my peers and my employer at MUCC has helped me to grow as a writer and a professional. Some feedback I received recently was to make sure I am writing the MUCC LinkedIn posts for alumni audiences rather than students. This feedback of being mindful of your audience has inspired me to think closer about who I am writing to in my journalism classes as well.

Paid on Campus Work 

As someone who didn’t come to college with a car, this on-campus job has provided me with an opportunity to work and earn some money while staying close to where I live. As a chronically broke college student, this income is very helpful.


Like most upperclassmen, I have started to think about life after college and going to one of the best journalism schools in the country scrolling through my classmate’s LinkedIn and resumes can feel intimidating, but also motivating. This job is a great thing for me to add to my physical resume while also helping me improve my mental resume of experience. 

Getting connected with others

A great part of life at Mizzou or any college is building yourself a community. I have found that the more things I become involved with the more my community and connections seem to grow. At MUCC specifically, I work alongside Mizzou Senior Piper Mollins and have enjoyed getting to know her and learning from her work. 

Like most people, I also find a certain enjoyment in being employed, and having another productive aspect to my day rather than just working out and studying. If you are on the fence about employment while balancing school work and a social life I have found it easy to manage around my pretty full college schedule. To find an on-campus job that is right for you, searching on Handshake or making an appointment at the student success center with a career specialist is a great place to start. 

By Sydney Waldron