Semester Reflection: 7 Questions to Ask Ourselves

Every new year, many people review the highs and lows of the past year and make resolutions for the year ahead. Now’s a great time for students to take time to reflect and take stock of the fall semester. Before moving forward, it’s helpful to know where we’ve been! 

Maybe we joined a new club or made a new friend. Maybe we explored a new major or even a new city. Or maybe it wasn’t our favorite semester, and we are just happy it’s over.  

However your semester may have looked, we could all use a little reflection time. These 7 questions are a great way to pause and reflect on what this time has done for you, and what it means to you. Reflection actually helps with self-evaluation and creating a feeling of satisfaction or completion.  

Reflection also helps you practice how to articulate or express your abilities and experience to others, which is a must-have skill for applicants (or college students). employer communications. So, grab a pen and paper, computer or tablet and explore these reflection prompts.  


  1. What went well? Why do you think it went well? 
  • This question can help shed more light on the positive aspects of the semester  
  1. What did not go as well as you hoped? 
  • Maybe it was your time management, a course, or a specific grade. All are more than okay and acknowledging the hard parts opens up doors for improvement 


  1. Which (subject area) concepts and skills do you feel the most confident with now? 
  • This is a great question for realizing what you learned and the newfound confidence you might have 
  1. What type of feedback was the most motivating to you over the semester year
  • Use this question to learn what you need to hear in order to grow and improve! This is an amazing way to reflect on how you might function in the workforce and what you need from your peers/boss to stay motivated 
  1. What class surprised you the most? 
  • Did it reveal a new skill or interest? Or maybe a new dislike? 


  1. What is something you accomplished this semester that you are proud of? 
  • Give yourself a pat on the back! You deserve it!
  1. What is one thing you learned or realized about yourself this year? 
  • We are always discovering ourselves; it’s a never-ending process! What new or unique things did you come to realize about yourself? 

No matter how your semester unfolded, you have done amazing things! Give yourself this time and space to recognize all you’ve accomplished, and let it push you forward to attain new goals in the upcoming months. You’ve conquered the fall semester and learned lots along the way. And remember, the MU Career Center is here for any and all career and major related guidance to help you on the path to success.