Job Transfers

Work Study job transfers, in general, are discouraged and under normal circumstances only one transfer is allowed per academic year. A staff member is available to meet with you and discuss your individual situation. Our role would be to listen, give feedback and make suggestions on how best to proceed. If you then decide that you want or need to make a transfer, you must follow the procedures listed below.

  1. Communicate any concerns (schedule, number of hours, responsibilities, etc.) to your supervisor.
  2. If adjustments cannot be made that suit you and the employer, give a two week notice to your supervisor or make other mutually acceptable arrangements.
  3. Your supervisor will notify their department contact person to release you from the position.
  4. Once you have been released from the position you can enter the online Work Study Employment site and seek a new position. If you need assistance, please come to the MU Career Center in the Student Success Center or call (573) 882-6801 or email
  5. After selecting and applying to a new position, print a copy of your application form and contact the new employer within two days for an interview.
  6. Seek out details about the new position and seek clarity about expectations, work schedule, dress, and more. Make sure you fully understand and are comfortable with the work role and office before accepting the job.
  7. Accept the job and make arrangements to begin work with your new employer.