Hiring Process


Students may not be hired by departments using the Federal Work Study (FWS) funding code unless they have an Application form that has been secured by eligible students using the online work study system.Work Study Contacts will be emailed a copy of the form to proceed with hiring.

Interview and Selection

The Work Study Contact will then direct the student to the position supervisor (also listed on the Application form) who will determine if there is a good match between the student and the position. When the student meets with the supervisor for the job, the student should be interviewed or given an office orientation for the job listed on the form (no substitutions). This orientation should include specific duties of the job, hours, pay rate, how evaluations are conducted, and when pay raises occur.

Work Study Acceptance and NER Process

If the job is a good match for the student and employer, the Work Study Contact changes the hiring status to “hired” not before the first day of classes and the student accepts the position. The Work-Study Contact completes required HR forms to begin onboarding. Students will receive an email from HR with instructions on completing required forms and training. Students need to complete New Employee Registration before clocking hours. Students cannot clock hours before the first day of the fall semester.